Strategic Goals
Strategic Target
To improve education quality;
- To bring students in analytical thinking skill,
- To increase mutual communication and interaction with students and faculty
- To increase students projects,
- To increase use of software packages rate in education
- To provide technical means and tools for research
- To increase theoretical as well as practical work
To increase the scientific quality internationaly;
- To increase the possibility of Access to the international publications
- To give weight to academic studies in a foreign language
- To make organization of international symposium and publications
- To the creation of the opportunity to do in a foreign language course
To increase the efficiency and effectiveness of educational activities;
- To pursue of new teaching and learning methods
- to increase the team spirit among students
- to Increase the student's motivation and attendance
- Ensuring that the teaching staff to follow innovations for branch and to transfer them to students
To create the corporate identity and culture;
- The thought of all participants as a whole
- Creation of institutional belonging spirit
- the implementation of decisions are taken democratically
- To develop of joint future plans
- To create a very social environment
- To provide efficient operation of graduates services
- To Develop international relations;
- To ensure greater participation of students and faculty on the basis of Erasmus and Socrates
- To Develop relationships with foreign universities and lecturers
- To Increase joint projects with foreign universities
- To Increase the number of foreign students and faculty members